aµs microoptics

advanced microoptic systems gmbh
Focus on light
Since 1995
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Basic specifications
Material:                            Fused Silica, Optical Glass, Plastics
Spectral range:                193 nm to 3.5 μm
Micro Lens Dimension:   10 μm to 4000 μm
Functional Lens Shape:   Positive, Negative; Spherical, Aspherical
Surface Roughness:        less than 10 Angstrom ( Å )
Numerical Aperture:        0.004 - 0.45
Lens Positioning:             down to ± 0.2 μm
Focal Lenght Variation:  ± 2% within 100 mm array dimension
Array Dimension:             Typically 4'' x 4'', up to 6'' x 6''
Packing Density:              above 90 %
Array Pattern:                  Hexagonal, Orthogonal, Square, Circular,
                                            Cylindrical, Irregular, etc.
Key advantages of [aμs] Microoptics vs. Standard Optics

Highly Effective Shaping of Beam Cross Section.
  • Shapes beam into line-, cross- or other beam cross sections.
Highly Efficient Intensity Profiling.
  • Generates specified intensity profile over cross section, e.g. Gaussian or flat top.
Simple and Highly Efficient Beam Multiplexing.
  • Adds speed and accuracy to multichannel processing.
Highly Effective Bundling of Multiple Beams.
  • One general beam is gathered from several sources, for projection TV, light shows etc.
Efficient Collimation of Diode Laser Emission.
  • Fast axis collimation with high NA lenses, slow axis collimation and bundling.
Higher Efficiency of Photosensitive Devices.
  • Beam is focused directly onto the focus-sensitive pads of CCD-matrices.
Higher Effectiveness of Fiber Systems.
  • Beam is focused into fiber core for opto-sensorics, fiber coupling, optical switching, etc.
Higher Precision of Measuring Systems.
  • Uses exactly positioned monolytic test structures, such as focusing or alighment sensors, distance, depth and size measuring devices.
Improvement of Traditional Optical Schemes.
  • Relates to size, weight, cost, sensitivity, stability and precision, especially in microphotolithography, consumer products, office equipment, etc.
Novel Optical Schemes.
  • Supports 3D photography, confocal microscopy, optical computing and integral microtechniques.
© [aµs] 2013
Last update 04.02.2025
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